Saturday, March 30, 2013


by : Didi Kempot

bebasan koyo ngenteni
udan ning mongso ketigo
najan mung sedelo ora dadi ngopo
penting iso ngademke ati

semono ugo rasane atiku
mung tansah nunggu tekamu
ra kroso setaun kowe ninggal aku
kangen....... kangenne atiku

aku sik kelingan naliko nang pelabuhan
kowe janji lungo ra ono sewulan
nanging saiki wes luwih janji
nyatane kowe ora bali-bali

ning pelabuhan tangjung mas kene
biyen aku ngeterke kowe
ning pelabuhan Semarang kene
aku tansah ngenteni kowe

The meaning of the song :
Someone who is waiting for his girlfriend. He remembered at the moment when he was delivered his girlfriend at  the Semarang Port. His girlfriend was promised just went for a moment (no month) but until a year she doesn't come back. He was missed his girlfriend, it was like waiting for rain in the dry season. Although his girlfriend came only for a moment but he was happy enough to treat his missing.

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